Wheelchair Lift and Accessibility Information
At Ascension, we believe that accessibility creates opportunity and connection. Discover more about accessibility and how it affects your world here.
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Vertical Platform Lifts Vs Inclined Platform Lifts
Inclined platform lifts (IPLs), or a stair lifts, are limited use elevating devices for transporting a disabled rider diagonally across a staircase. -
Lift Setup
Lift setup and operation videos for guidance on how to use either the Protege or Virtuoso portable wheelchair lifts. -
ACT Rider Faith Capone
Faith Capone has always been a competitor. After discovering adaptive cycling, she knew she found a new avenue for competition! -
Celebrating 31 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act Through Adaptive Sports
To help celebrate, we’re looking back at the history of adaptive athletics and how our Tucson community keeps rolling forward. -
Teresa Rosano, Teaching Universal Design
Tucson architect and University of Arizona CAPLA teacher Teresa Rosano looks back at teaching universal design in the fall 2020 semester. -
Teresa Rosano, Architect and Teacher at the University of Arizona, Talks Building Accessibility
We spoke with celebrated architect and architecture teacher Teresa Rosano about the future of accessibility in architectural design. -
Architecture for the Deaf: Spaces for those with Hearing Disabilities
What about architecture for the hearing impaired? Gallaudet University began the DeafSpace Institute to promote architecture for the deaf. -
A New Look: Adaptive Fashion in 2020
Clothing design for the disabled has seen a surge in attention in recent years. We look at the history and principles of adaptive fashion. -
How to Increase Home Resale Value with Accessibility Renovations
Accessibility renovations can actually increase your home's value and comfort. -
How Virtual Reality is Shaping Tomorrow and Helping the Disabled
Virtual reality (VR) is being used in the medical field to assist in planning surgeries, educating doctors & simulations that have helped disabled patients. -
How to Make Your Living Space Accessible
For those living with disabilities, it's imperative that they make their living space accessible so they can easily complete everyday tasks in the home. -
Accessibility Coverage: A Home Renter’s Guide
The ADA offers accessibility solutions for private & public properties & the FHAA gives reasonable accommodation procedures for property owners & renters. -
Accessible Luxury Homes: Open Your World with Ascension Lifts
Ascension engineers collaborated with practicing architects and interior designers to create lifts that provide both an ease of accessibility while also contributing to modern architectural trends. -
An Invitation to the World’s 5 Largest Parties: Next Up, Access Burning Man!
Burning Man is one of the world's largest accessible festivals in Black Rock City, NV to celebrate an unrestricted human experience through self-expression. -
An Invitation to the World’s 5 Largest Parties: Next Up, Access Carnival!
Carnival is one of the worlds's largest accessible celebrations in Venice, Italy, which celebrates community with elaborate Venetian Masks & costumes.