Wheelchair Lift and Accessibility Information
At Ascension, we believe that accessibility creates opportunity and connection. Discover more about accessibility and how it affects your world here.
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Wheelchair Lift Glossary
This glossary is a comprehensive list of the most commonly used terminology when discussing wheelchair lifts and other accessibility solutions. -
Parts and Features of a Platform Lift
Most platform lifts are custom built with a variety of features & options, such as safety pans, installation pits, portability, low profile & a drive train. -
Lift Setup
Lift setup and operation videos for guidance on how to use either the Protege or Virtuoso portable wheelchair lifts. -
Top 3 Questions to Ask a Wheelchair Lift Manufacturer
The top 3 questions to ask a wheelchair lift manufacturer when deciding which lift to use, include warranty length, type of lift & the cost. -
Platform Lifts vs. Ramps: Which One Is Right for You?
Platform lifts vs Ramps is a common decision for accessibility challenges because in many cases they can be too large, costly or impractical for a venue. -
Wheelchair Lift 101: Basic Lift Installation, Operation, and Maintenance
Platform Lifts 101: Wheelchair lift installation, operation, and maintenance - also known as wheelchair lifts, provide accessibility solutions for disabled. -
Differences Between Wheelchair Lifts and Elevators
Wheelchair lifts & elevators are two options for accessibility, & their differences will assist in deciding the best option for a building or project. -
Choosing a Wheelchair Lift
Choosing a wheelchair lift requires some research and knowing what types of things to consider when picking a lift for your building or project. -
Home Lifts - What You Should Know
Home Lifts are commonly used to negotiate stairs, access porches from ground-level, or otherwise facilitate entry or access around a private residence. -
Specifying Wheelchair Lifts: Avoid the 2 Most Common Mistakes
When specifying wheelchair lifts avoid 2 common mistakes: failure to educate your client & failure to prevent inferior substitutions. -
Portable or Permanent Wheelchair Lifts
Ascension offers both portable and permanent wheelchair lifts, or vertical platform lifts, which provide various benefits for the facility. -
Choose a Wheelchair Lift - Part 2: Hidden Needs
One part in choosing a wheelchair lift is to determine your venue's hidden needs & how to find an ADA compliant lift that meets local codes. -
Choose a Wheelchair Lift - Part 3: Options
The final step in choosing a wheelchair lift is to decide options that suit your facility, such as installation, drive type and entry/exit. -
Choose a Wheelchair Lift - Part 1: The Iceberg Syndrome
Ascension created a 3-part series on how to choose a wheelchair lift & the first step is to determine why you need a lift & what to ask.